Considering a Rhinoplasty? Ask Your Plastic Surgeon These 5 Questions

Considering a Rhinoplasty? Ask Your Plastic Surgeon These 5 Questions

Considering a Rhinoplasty? Ask Your Plastic Surgeon These 5 Questions


Considering a Rhinoplasty? Ask Your Plastic Surgeon These 5 Questions​​​​​​​

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Rhinoplasty aims to improve the function and appearance of your nose. To be safe, many people seek only experienced surgeons to perform the procedure. That is why organizations like the Rhinoplasty Society continue to update plastic surgeons about different techniques for performing rhinoplasty. Knowing more about this surgery can help you prepare for it. Here are five questions about rhinoplasty that you can consider asking your plastic surgeon.


  • What Is Rhinoplasty?


This procedure is also known as a nose job. It is a type of plastic surgery for restoring or enhancing the look and function of your nose. The surgery can resolve any blockage or damage to the nasal structure. It can correct birth defects and breathing difficulties as well.


  • What Are Some of the Common Rhinoplasty Surgeries?


Your surgeon can discuss what type of rhinoplasty fits your needs the most. Knowing the different types of rhinoplasty can help determine the differences among them. It can also help you understand the specific type of rhinoplasty recommended for you. Below are some of the common rhinoplasty surgeries that your surgeon can consider:


  • Augmentation rhinoplasty. This surgery aims to increase the size of some of your nose’s structures. This procedure can change the shape of the nasal tip or add more height to the nose bridge.

  • Reconstructive rhinoplasty. Your doctor may recommend this procedure to remove cancerous tissue. You may also have this type of rhinoplasty after a trauma to the face. Reconstructive rhinoplasty can restore damaged or lost nasal tissue.

  • Reduction rhinoplasty. This surgery can remove a bulge or reduce the nose bridge. It can also correct sinus conditions or a deviated nasal septum.

  • Turbinoplasty. Turbinates are nasal structures along the side of the nose’s wall. They can swell up and obstruct your breathing. Reducing the size of these turbinates can help you breathe better.


  • Who Are the Ideal Candidates for Rhinoplasty?


Patients who want to enhance the function and appearance of their noses. You can have rhinoplasty if you are unhappy with the way your nose may have changed through the years. Rhinoplasty is also for you if you need to improve your breathing.


  • What Should a Patient Do After the Procedure?


Healing comes quickly for the nasal area. There will be a little bruising and swelling after your rhinoplasty. These will disappear in the first week after your surgery. Make sure you keep your head elevated. This can help reduce the swelling. Your surgeon will place a splint on the top of your nose for a week. Avoid blowing your nose. This will avoid any trauma to the nose while your nasal structures are still healing.


  • What Is the Ideal Age for This Surgery?


Rhinoplasty can help most 15-year-old boys and 13-year-old girls. The doctor must consider the patient’s emotional stability in timing the procedure. Young adults and teens can have rhinoplasty. Patients who are 20 to 40 years old have enough skin elasticity. They can recover well after their rhinoplasty. A healthy elderly patient can also have this surgery without any complications.


Rhinoplasty can help you gain better-looking and better functioning nasal structures. At Jason K. Potter, MD, DDS, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our patients. We guide them before, during, and after the surgery. Please visit our facility in Dallas, Texas, for a one-on-one consultation. Feel free to call us at 214-892-2474 if you want to schedule an appointment or inquire about our rhinoplasty packages.
