Can Rhinoplasty Help with Breathing Problems?

Rhinoplasty is well known for its ability to correct cosmetic issues with our noses. If you have a large bump on the bridge, oversized nostrils or you simply feel that your nose is out of proportion with the rest of your face, rhinoplasty surgery can alter various aspects of this feature so that you are happier with how it appears. However, many people are surprised to learn that rhinoplasty isn’t purely a cosmetic procedure. It can also be a highly successful treatment for patients with breathing problems.
Breathing through our noses
Our nose is an essential part of our respiratory system since, along with the mouth, it allows the flow of oxygen into the body and enables us to expel carbon dioxide out of it. A common misconception is that airway access via our mouth is the most important, but in fact, nasal breathing is considered to be healthier and much more effective. This is partly because the vibrissae hairs inside the nose help to filter out bacteria and other particles before they can enter our respiratory system. Breathing in and out through the nose also enables us to take breaths which are much fuller and deeper, and this prompts the lower lung to distribute greater amounts of oxygen throughout the body.
Prolonged mouth breathing has also been linked to the development of a number of health problems, from bad breath and sleep apnea to a damaged immune system.
Nevertheless, not all patients can breathe easily. There are a variety of respiratory problems that can affect us, from asthma and cystic fibrosis to a broken nose making is hard for air to pass into the respiratory system this way. Ensuring that your body receives enough oxygen is essential to your health and wellbeing. Fortunately, rhinoplasty surgery can help with a variety of breathing problems.
How can rhinoplasty help with breathing problems?
There are various types of rhinoplasty available and each procedure focuses on making the improvements that will be most beneficial for that each individual patient. This means that exactly how your rhinoplasty procedure will help with your breathing problems will depend on how your nose is affected. However, the majority of procedures involve making significant structural changes to the nose, and this can improve the size and flow of the air in and out of your body.
A deviated septum is one of the most common causes of breathing problems and occurs when the wall that separates the two nostrils is bent or otherwise abnormal. This can lead to one of the nasal passages becoming blocked and make it difficult for the patient to obtain enough air through nasal breathing.
Another common rhinoplasty procedure for helping to improve breathing problems is repairing the bridge of the nose in a patient who may have previously had it broken or adding structure to a flattened nose. In both cases, this will help to open up the airway and allow air through the passage much more easily.
In many cases, it may be necessary for your surgeon to combine various types of rhinoplasty in order to help you achieve the best possible result from your surgery. This is something that will be discussed with you when you during your consultation appointment when together with your surgeon, you will discuss what changes need to be made to your nose in order to improve your breathing.
If you are suffering from breathing problems that are related to the shape or size of your nose, a rhinoplasty procedure may be able to resolve your issues. Contact our friendly and experienced cosmetic surgery team today to find out if rhinoplasty can help you.